Primary Headteachers' Consortium
Working with a positive and restorative mindset, remembering that we are humans first and professionals second.
To represent and professionally support all the members of PHC to ensure high standards for the communities to whom they are responsible.
Working and negotiating with the Local Authority on its statutory responsibilities;
Working with national and regional head’s groups;
Working with the Regional Schools Commissioner and other officials responsible for the Academy programme where appropriate;
Acting as a voice for Stockport Head teachers, with organisations and bodies that impact on the quality of provision, for communities of our schools and services;
Representing Stockport schools on committees and working groups set up by the Local Authority and any other relevant bodies;
Working through School’s Forum and any other relevant bodies, to maximise the funding for the primary sector.
Membership of PHC is open to all leaders of one or more school or settings that support primary aged pupils in Stockport. These include maintained, VA, VC, academy (including MATs) special and free schools sponsored by the Local Authority working with nursery and primary aged children. LA Service Heads who support nursery and primary pupils are also welcome.
Membership will give access to all PHC meetings, courses and conferences, resources including policy templates and signposting, updates and workshops
PHC is formed from representatives of all settings supporting the learning of Stockport pupils from 3 to 11 years old. Meetings are scheduled the second Tuesday of every month with the exception of May and August. PHC will, during the scheduled AGM in the autumn term, agree the make up a group to run and organise any activities associated with PHC.
A Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer; will be elected from the membership of PHC each of whom will be a serving leader of a Stockport school/s. The Chair or Vice Chair will chair all PHC meetings.
The normal term of office for Chair/Vice Chair and Treasurer will be two years. Vice Chair would normally assimilate to Chair after one year. Co-Chairs may take up the post for two years.
Identified members of the group will take responsibility for an area of PHC’s work based around the working parties and consultative groups that are set up as part of the work of PHC. They will be responsible for providing a brief summary report of each of these meetings they attend.
The financial year for PHC is September 1st to August 31st. Members will pay an annual subscription to be a member of PHC.
PHC is a non- profit making organisation and should it cease to exist all balance of monies in the PHC account would be reimbursed to the members on an equal share basis.
The subscription rate will be reviewed and then set annually by the group at the AGM at the time the budget is drafted.
The budget and subscription rate will be put to the full PHC for approval at the AGM –usually held in the autumn term.
The Treasurer will approve and authorise all expenditure in line with agreed rates and on instruction from the group.
Where appropriate, members may claim expenses for meetings and work undertaken on behalf of PHC. All cheques require two signatories from the authorised signatories who are on the bank mandate. Accounts will be audited annually by an independent and appropriate person.
PHC welcomes, as members of Primary Heads’ Consortium, schools or settings that have nursery and or primary aged pupils on their roll.
There needs to be an annual process where representatives are elected or; it is agreed that they should continue to act as PHC representatives for their consortium.
Representatives of PHC attend full PHC meetings held monthly. These representatives should feedback items for discussion between cluster groups and PHC.
If a PHC representative is unable to attend a main meeting where possible a substitute Head should go in his/her place briefed with any items of contribution. It is very important that representatives attend from all clusters to ensure views are sought from all settings.
PHC representatives are tasked to pass views of Heads to the PHC groups so that agendas for all meetings reflect the views and issues of Stockport Heads.
PHC representatives or any Heads on working groups must feedback issues either directly to the executive or at the main PHC meeting. If any Head is unable to attend they must pass information to a Head who is attending.
The election of Chair and Vice Chair is for a two year period. However for continuity this should be staggered.
At the AGM meeting of the autumn term, proposed and seconded nominations are put forward for the post of Chair/Vice Chair, depending on which election is due. In the event of more than one nomination being made a vote will be taken at the first full PHC meeting of an autumn term. If only one nomination is made they will be elected unopposed. Co Chairs may take up the position as an alternative.
Each year, The Chair invites PHC representatives to join the group and aims to create a group of experienced Heads who represent different phases, areas and expertise. The Chair has the right to co-opt other Heads onto the executive for particular projects. At the autumn meeting all representatives will be given the opportunity to put their name forward along with the skill set and areas of expertise they could bring to the group.
Agreed November 2020 To be Reviewed July 2021 Next AGM September 2021